Saturday, August 28, 2010

Teacher Tips- It's All About The Germs

With school back in session, those creepy little germs are out and about trying to make their way into children's bodies.
The practice of handwashing and keeping materials clean are so important for children and teachers in the classroom.

With that being said, I have linked a couple of fun sites to help bring awareness to your classroom and center on keeping illnesses low this flu season.

Say "Boo" To The Flu is a fun campaign sponsored by the Clorox Company.
The material is free and is appropriate for children in child care settings. Some of the activities are also perfect for parent involvement in the home.

This site is how you can host your own Say "Boo" to The Flu event in your classroom or community.

This site provides activities to use in the classroom and home in helping learn how to keep a healthier classroom.

This site provides several fun videos you can incorporate into your lesson plans when focusing on health education.

Finally, the link below offers great handwashing flyers and tent cards for different age groups and themes.
These should be posted just in front of the sink so children can follow the sign when washing hands.
I would recommend changing the sign out about every 3 months with a different design to help draw attention
to the handwashing procedures. Printing the signs in color are always more visible to the child.

I hope you find this information handy- no pun intended!